Case Study Alert: Newsletter Volume 1 - Saber Solutions
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Case Study Alert: Newsletter Volume 1

Case Study Alert: Newsletter Volume 1

MSA used Proactively

Ms. R is a 70 year old with an unwitnessed slip and fall with a right hip fracture and cervical and lumbar herniations but had pre-existing medicals on the lumbar.  The case was mediated before a well known top NY mediator and the offer was 250k with a demand of 2.5 million.  The defense said they would close it at 750k and plaintiffs were not presenting the MSA future allocation number.  Saber Solutions provided a LMSA report for the 2nd round of mediation to pro-actively maximize the settlement.  The case eventually settled for 1.45 million.

MCP used for negotiations

A law firm had a medical malpractice case where the Hospital in the middle of COVID said they wanted to mediate.  The firm did not have their Life Care Plan expert on board yet but needed to present the future medical damages.  Saber Solutions provided the firm a full Medical Cost Projection report (MCP) to use for negotiation at the mediation.  Not only did this report cost the firm/client a fraction of the cost of a Life Care Plan but they successfully settled the matter for an 8-figure settlement.

LMSA needed post-settlement

Saber Solutions was contacted by a law firm who had just settled a liability case only for the full policy limits of $500k for a plaintiff who was 67 years old and was receiving Medicare.  This was a very difficult liability and causation case.  When the defendants sent the release, they required specific language in the release as to how plaintiff will be protecting Medicare Future Interests under the Medicare Secondary Payer Act as plaintiffs had put forth future medical damages that helped settle the case.  Saber Solutions was able to provide a LMSA report based upon the records provided which protected the law firm, the plaintiff and Medicare while working within the confines of the settlement.